Board of Directors
Tom Goodwin, Chairman
Geoff O’Connel, Vice Chairman
Julie Jacobs, Treasurer
Lauren Hammond, Secretary
Alana Albee, Board Member
Paul O’Brien, Libby Trustee Representative (non-voting)
Our Mission
Friends of the Libby Museum, Inc. was established in the 1980s by descendants of Dr. Henry Libby and local residents interested in ensuring The Libby Museum’s continuation. It is a nonprofit 501 (C) 3 with its mandate defined in Articles of Agreement (1988).
The Friends priority is: "... to engage in and promote the maintenance and support of The Libby Museum situated on Rt 109... and its scientific, literary, and educational activities... including the repair, maintenance, and improvement of the Museum building, grounds, and exhibits...”
The Board of the Friends is elected from its membership in September, each year. The Board meets monthly throughout the year to plan fundraising and approve support to The Libby Museum and its programs.
In 2022, the organization had approximately 500 members and a Board of 10 elected Directors.